“Essence of Object” by Korean Artist Osang Gwon
物之重塑 — 一次对日常之物的解构与探寻

“Essence of Object” by Korean Artist Osang Gwon
物之重塑 — 一次对日常之物的解构与探寻

"Thinking About Things” by Markus Hofer
思物寻源 — 对双重现实的思考旅行

"Thinking About Things” by Markus Hofer
思物寻源 — 对双重现实的思考旅行

2017 Spring Window display at Hermès Shanghai Maison, designed by French artist Lilian Daubisse
天工开物 上海“爱马仕之家”2017年春季主题橱窗

2017 Spring Window display at Hermès Shanghai Maison, designed by French artist Lilian Daubisse
天工开物 上海“爱马仕之家”2017年春季主题橱窗

Shanghai " Hermes The 2016 winter window was unveiled recently. The theme of this year's winter show is "Ying", created by Xin Yaoyao, a new ceramic artist. She used the different ways of water in nature to create the main line, and turned the winter window into a natural space to express the beauty and color of the water. In her creative way, she used the combination of geometry and thin 1 millimeter porcelain unit to create a static interpretation of the dynamic whirlpool, ripples and the natural birds as well as the koi carpets.
Three different kinds of water: reflections, ripples and whirlpools. Xin Yao Yao expresses the beauty and color of the inverted reflection of the water with countless pieces of transparent porcelain. Green birds and Koi as the creatures of nature connect with the involvement of Hermes crafts and landscapes. The limited window space reflects the infinite natural miniature.
This time, Holland artist Kiki Van Eijk was invited to create romantic Christmas lights for Shanghai's "Hermes house" to ignite the joy and color of reunion. The jumps of light and line in the exterior walls of Shanghai's "Hermes house" are transformed into warm fireworks and colorful flowers. In every stunning display, guests are immersed in the beautiful night sky of Huaihailu Road. The beautiful vocal ensembles play the joyous prelude with the sounds of nature. The lingering sound lingers around every guest Hakka.
The exquisite and colorful layout of the shop, absorbing the holiday elements carefully, becomes the Christmas fairy tale of snow, and conveys happiness and prayers. At night, four times, Shanghai's "Hermes house" embraces every precious moment with unparalleled enthusiasm. Guests stay in love with exquisite art works, talk freely and joyfully, explore and feel the creative world and craft Hall of Hermes, and spend an unforgettable and wonderful holiday in this warm and comfortable home.
Natural wonders induce the source of artistic inspiration, and profound cultural details endow valuable poetic expression. Hermes adopts the romantic French elegance, through the perfect combination of art, nature and humanity, highlighting the artistic pursuit of traditional spirit, natural feelings and cultural blending.
The exhibition of ceramic art of Shui Guang and porcelain color was unveiled. Shanghai The "Hermes house" first extended the creation of the artist from the window to the personal art exhibition. The art exhibition of Xin Yao Yao, "Shui Guang and porcelain color", was opened to the public from November 24th to December 18th at the Hermes house in Shanghai. Window display in winter It will be exhibited from November 24th to March 2017.
水光 • 瓷色 — 上海“爱马仕之家”携手艺术家辛瑶遥跨界合作

Shanghai " Hermes The 2016 winter window was unveiled recently. The theme of this year's winter show is "Ying", created by Xin Yaoyao, a new ceramic artist. She used the different ways of water in nature to create the main line, and turned the winter window into a natural space to express the beauty and color of the water. In her creative way, she used the combination of geometry and thin 1 millimeter porcelain unit to create a static interpretation of the dynamic whirlpool, ripples and the natural birds as well as the koi carpets.
Three different kinds of water: reflections, ripples and whirlpools. Xin Yao Yao expresses the beauty and color of the inverted reflection of the water with countless pieces of transparent porcelain. Green birds and Koi as the creatures of nature connect with the involvement of Hermes crafts and landscapes. The limited window space reflects the infinite natural miniature.
This time, Holland artist Kiki Van Eijk was invited to create romantic Christmas lights for Shanghai's "Hermes house" to ignite the joy and color of reunion. The jumps of light and line in the exterior walls of Shanghai's "Hermes house" are transformed into warm fireworks and colorful flowers. In every stunning display, guests are immersed in the beautiful night sky of Huaihailu Road. The beautiful vocal ensembles play the joyous prelude with the sounds of nature. The lingering sound lingers around every guest Hakka.
The exquisite and colorful layout of the shop, absorbing the holiday elements carefully, becomes the Christmas fairy tale of snow, and conveys happiness and prayers. At night, four times, Shanghai's "Hermes house" embraces every precious moment with unparalleled enthusiasm. Guests stay in love with exquisite art works, talk freely and joyfully, explore and feel the creative world and craft Hall of Hermes, and spend an unforgettable and wonderful holiday in this warm and comfortable home.
Natural wonders induce the source of artistic inspiration, and profound cultural details endow valuable poetic expression. Hermes adopts the romantic French elegance, through the perfect combination of art, nature and humanity, highlighting the artistic pursuit of traditional spirit, natural feelings and cultural blending.
The exhibition of ceramic art of Shui Guang and porcelain color was unveiled. Shanghai The "Hermes house" first extended the creation of the artist from the window to the personal art exhibition. The art exhibition of Xin Yao Yao, "Shui Guang and porcelain color", was opened to the public from November 24th to December 18th at the Hermes house in Shanghai. Window display in winter It will be exhibited from November 24th to March 2017.
水光 • 瓷色 — 上海“爱马仕之家”携手艺术家辛瑶遥跨界合作

上海爱马仕2016秋季橱窗 | 探寻自然之源
2016年秋季,上海爱马仕之家携手法国艺术家 Pierre Roy-camille 先生,带来全新主题橱窗 —“森海奇石”,在与年度主题“驰骋自然万物间”交互辉映的同时,打造出一场手工臻品与美学艺术相融合的奇幻妙境,解读人类与自然的微妙共存,传递爱马仕对未知自然与生命本源的不渝探寻。
· 梦幻火山岩 ·
Pierre Roy-camille 通过本季四个橱窗设计将观者置于带有奇妙异域色彩的浓缩画面,利用简单的基本自然元素展现出神秘幻想空间。正是艺术家多元的文化血统,使得不同观念与文化差异在他身上相互碰撞,迸发出与众不同的灵感,更显灵敏动人。

上海爱马仕2016秋季橱窗 | 探寻自然之源
2016年秋季,上海爱马仕之家携手法国艺术家 Pierre Roy-camille 先生,带来全新主题橱窗 —“森海奇石”,在与年度主题“驰骋自然万物间”交互辉映的同时,打造出一场手工臻品与美学艺术相融合的奇幻妙境,解读人类与自然的微妙共存,传递爱马仕对未知自然与生命本源的不渝探寻。
· 梦幻火山岩 ·
Pierre Roy-camille 通过本季四个橱窗设计将观者置于带有奇妙异域色彩的浓缩画面,利用简单的基本自然元素展现出神秘幻想空间。正是艺术家多元的文化血统,使得不同观念与文化差异在他身上相互碰撞,迸发出与众不同的灵感,更显灵敏动人。

HERMES Maison in Shanghai joined hands with Korean artist Sun-Hyuk Kim to present a radical expression of the deepest meaning of life through delicate silhouettes of roots in its store windows. The work represents the subtle communication and fantasy realm of man, nature and life, in a manner that resonates with Hermes’ respect for nature, reverence for life, and primal passion. The store windows created by Kim have morphed into a surreal realm of fantasy. The artist draws inspiration from the figurative shapes of plants, and combines these with surrealistic sceneries. The entire landscape presented in the four windows is bold and unrestrained. The spring season store windows are on display until late May.

上海Hermès 2015秋季橱窗:漫步苍穹之下的视觉妙境
放到现代来说,进行这样纯粹、深入的思考无疑更难。所以大概很少人能理解Hermès的品牌文化——作为顶级奢侈品牌之一,却忠于传统手工艺,质朴、保守,始终追求极致。Hermès的这份坚持在其橱窗设计中可见一斑。瑞士设计师Marie-France de Crécy为上海的Hermès Maison设计了以“视觉妙境(Wondervision)”为题的秋季橱窗,展期从9月24日开始将持续三个月。
此次橱窗设计的灵感正是来源于哲学家卢梭的遗作《一个孤独漫步者的遐想》,Marie-France de Crécy将文中对人与自然的关系的思考具象化,力图通过艺术去表现人类情感的点滴以及冥想过程中的原始体验。

上海Hermès 2015秋季橱窗:漫步苍穹之下的视觉妙境
放到现代来说,进行这样纯粹、深入的思考无疑更难。所以大概很少人能理解Hermès的品牌文化——作为顶级奢侈品牌之一,却忠于传统手工艺,质朴、保守,始终追求极致。Hermès的这份坚持在其橱窗设计中可见一斑。瑞士设计师Marie-France de Crécy为上海的Hermès Maison设计了以“视觉妙境(Wondervision)”为题的秋季橱窗,展期从9月24日开始将持续三个月。
此次橱窗设计的灵感正是来源于哲学家卢梭的遗作《一个孤独漫步者的遐想》,Marie-France de Crécy将文中对人与自然的关系的思考具象化,力图通过艺术去表现人类情感的点滴以及冥想过程中的原始体验。

HERMES Maison in Shanghai joined hands with Korean artist Sun-Hyuk Kim to present a radical expression of the deepest meaning of life through delicate silhouettes of roots in its store windows. The work represents the subtle communication and fantasy realm of man, nature and life, in a manner that resonates with Hermes’ respect for nature, reverence for life, and primal passion. The store windows created by Kim have morphed into a surreal realm of fantasy. The artist draws inspiration from the figurative shapes of plants, and combines these with surrealistic sceneries. The entire landscape presented in the four windows is bold and unrestrained. The spring season store windows are on display until late May.

Thomas Broomé, born 1971. Is a well renowned Swedish artist with an international base.
Thomas has worked in a wide range of materials and expressions, all signified by an elaborate sense of detail. His work is found in-between our usual dichotomies; it is both simple and complex, elegant and crude, naive and mature, traditional and futuristic… it exists on the borders of our common understanding of the world, our agreement of what is real.
In the custom built installation for Hermès Maison, Shanghai Broomé has worked with calligrams, forms made from text. The result is an apartment inspired by the Hermès line of furniture and accessories, but with a twist; The word is the image and the image is the word. The objects in the windows are a play with how we depict and describe the world through representational systems. A chair is a chair, but it is both a form and a description and thus it becomes a neither/nor, since you cannot simultaneously see them both. To further enhance this clash of representations Thomas has for the first time moved from the two dimensional works on paper, into a third dimension made out of painted steel.
A mantra is a sacred utterance a repetion of words that when made audible has the power to change ones state of conscious thought.
The idea of the chair is tangible until it is made into form, until it is is represented in the world, then and only then is it a functional object and can be used in our everyday life. What would for instance happen if the chair was made of the word table, would it still be a chair, even though it tells us it is a table?

Thomas Broomé, born 1971. Is a well renowned Swedish artist with an international base.
Thomas has worked in a wide range of materials and expressions, all signified by an elaborate sense of detail. His work is found in-between our usual dichotomies; it is both simple and complex, elegant and crude, naive and mature, traditional and futuristic… it exists on the borders of our common understanding of the world, our agreement of what is real.
In the custom built installation for Hermès Maison, Shanghai Broomé has worked with calligrams, forms made from text. The result is an apartment inspired by the Hermès line of furniture and accessories, but with a twist; The word is the image and the image is the word. The objects in the windows are a play with how we depict and describe the world through representational systems. A chair is a chair, but it is both a form and a description and thus it becomes a neither/nor, since you cannot simultaneously see them both. To further enhance this clash of representations Thomas has for the first time moved from the two dimensional works on paper, into a third dimension made out of painted steel.
A mantra is a sacred utterance a repetion of words that when made audible has the power to change ones state of conscious thought.
The idea of the chair is tangible until it is made into form, until it is is represented in the world, then and only then is it a functional object and can be used in our everyday life. What would for instance happen if the chair was made of the word table, would it still be a chair, even though it tells us it is a table?

“Essence of Object” by Korean Artist Osang Gwon
物之重塑 — 一次对日常之物的解构与探寻
“Essence of Object” by Korean Artist Osang Gwon
物之重塑 — 一次对日常之物的解构与探寻
"Thinking About Things” by Markus Hofer
思物寻源 — 对双重现实的思考旅行
"Thinking About Things” by Markus Hofer
思物寻源 — 对双重现实的思考旅行
2017 Spring Window display at Hermès Shanghai Maison, designed by French artist Lilian Daubisse
天工开物 上海“爱马仕之家”2017年春季主题橱窗
2017 Spring Window display at Hermès Shanghai Maison, designed by French artist Lilian Daubisse
天工开物 上海“爱马仕之家”2017年春季主题橱窗
Shanghai " Hermes The 2016 winter window was unveiled recently. The theme of this year's winter show is "Ying", created by Xin Yaoyao, a new ceramic artist. She used the different ways of water in nature to create the main line, and turned the winter window into a natural space to express the beauty and color of the water. In her creative way, she used the combination of geometry and thin 1 millimeter porcelain unit to create a static interpretation of the dynamic whirlpool, ripples and the natural birds as well as the koi carpets.
Three different kinds of water: reflections, ripples and whirlpools. Xin Yao Yao expresses the beauty and color of the inverted reflection of the water with countless pieces of transparent porcelain. Green birds and Koi as the creatures of nature connect with the involvement of Hermes crafts and landscapes. The limited window space reflects the infinite natural miniature.
This time, Holland artist Kiki Van Eijk was invited to create romantic Christmas lights for Shanghai's "Hermes house" to ignite the joy and color of reunion. The jumps of light and line in the exterior walls of Shanghai's "Hermes house" are transformed into warm fireworks and colorful flowers. In every stunning display, guests are immersed in the beautiful night sky of Huaihailu Road. The beautiful vocal ensembles play the joyous prelude with the sounds of nature. The lingering sound lingers around every guest Hakka.
The exquisite and colorful layout of the shop, absorbing the holiday elements carefully, becomes the Christmas fairy tale of snow, and conveys happiness and prayers. At night, four times, Shanghai's "Hermes house" embraces every precious moment with unparalleled enthusiasm. Guests stay in love with exquisite art works, talk freely and joyfully, explore and feel the creative world and craft Hall of Hermes, and spend an unforgettable and wonderful holiday in this warm and comfortable home.
Natural wonders induce the source of artistic inspiration, and profound cultural details endow valuable poetic expression. Hermes adopts the romantic French elegance, through the perfect combination of art, nature and humanity, highlighting the artistic pursuit of traditional spirit, natural feelings and cultural blending.
The exhibition of ceramic art of Shui Guang and porcelain color was unveiled. Shanghai The "Hermes house" first extended the creation of the artist from the window to the personal art exhibition. The art exhibition of Xin Yao Yao, "Shui Guang and porcelain color", was opened to the public from November 24th to December 18th at the Hermes house in Shanghai. Window display in winter It will be exhibited from November 24th to March 2017.
水光 • 瓷色 — 上海“爱马仕之家”携手艺术家辛瑶遥跨界合作
Shanghai " Hermes The 2016 winter window was unveiled recently. The theme of this year's winter show is "Ying", created by Xin Yaoyao, a new ceramic artist. She used the different ways of water in nature to create the main line, and turned the winter window into a natural space to express the beauty and color of the water. In her creative way, she used the combination of geometry and thin 1 millimeter porcelain unit to create a static interpretation of the dynamic whirlpool, ripples and the natural birds as well as the koi carpets.
Three different kinds of water: reflections, ripples and whirlpools. Xin Yao Yao expresses the beauty and color of the inverted reflection of the water with countless pieces of transparent porcelain. Green birds and Koi as the creatures of nature connect with the involvement of Hermes crafts and landscapes. The limited window space reflects the infinite natural miniature.
This time, Holland artist Kiki Van Eijk was invited to create romantic Christmas lights for Shanghai's "Hermes house" to ignite the joy and color of reunion. The jumps of light and line in the exterior walls of Shanghai's "Hermes house" are transformed into warm fireworks and colorful flowers. In every stunning display, guests are immersed in the beautiful night sky of Huaihailu Road. The beautiful vocal ensembles play the joyous prelude with the sounds of nature. The lingering sound lingers around every guest Hakka.
The exquisite and colorful layout of the shop, absorbing the holiday elements carefully, becomes the Christmas fairy tale of snow, and conveys happiness and prayers. At night, four times, Shanghai's "Hermes house" embraces every precious moment with unparalleled enthusiasm. Guests stay in love with exquisite art works, talk freely and joyfully, explore and feel the creative world and craft Hall of Hermes, and spend an unforgettable and wonderful holiday in this warm and comfortable home.
Natural wonders induce the source of artistic inspiration, and profound cultural details endow valuable poetic expression. Hermes adopts the romantic French elegance, through the perfect combination of art, nature and humanity, highlighting the artistic pursuit of traditional spirit, natural feelings and cultural blending.
The exhibition of ceramic art of Shui Guang and porcelain color was unveiled. Shanghai The "Hermes house" first extended the creation of the artist from the window to the personal art exhibition. The art exhibition of Xin Yao Yao, "Shui Guang and porcelain color", was opened to the public from November 24th to December 18th at the Hermes house in Shanghai. Window display in winter It will be exhibited from November 24th to March 2017.
水光 • 瓷色 — 上海“爱马仕之家”携手艺术家辛瑶遥跨界合作
上海爱马仕2016秋季橱窗 | 探寻自然之源
2016年秋季,上海爱马仕之家携手法国艺术家 Pierre Roy-camille 先生,带来全新主题橱窗 —“森海奇石”,在与年度主题“驰骋自然万物间”交互辉映的同时,打造出一场手工臻品与美学艺术相融合的奇幻妙境,解读人类与自然的微妙共存,传递爱马仕对未知自然与生命本源的不渝探寻。
· 梦幻火山岩 ·
Pierre Roy-camille 通过本季四个橱窗设计将观者置于带有奇妙异域色彩的浓缩画面,利用简单的基本自然元素展现出神秘幻想空间。正是艺术家多元的文化血统,使得不同观念与文化差异在他身上相互碰撞,迸发出与众不同的灵感,更显灵敏动人。
上海爱马仕2016秋季橱窗 | 探寻自然之源
2016年秋季,上海爱马仕之家携手法国艺术家 Pierre Roy-camille 先生,带来全新主题橱窗 —“森海奇石”,在与年度主题“驰骋自然万物间”交互辉映的同时,打造出一场手工臻品与美学艺术相融合的奇幻妙境,解读人类与自然的微妙共存,传递爱马仕对未知自然与生命本源的不渝探寻。
· 梦幻火山岩 ·
Pierre Roy-camille 通过本季四个橱窗设计将观者置于带有奇妙异域色彩的浓缩画面,利用简单的基本自然元素展现出神秘幻想空间。正是艺术家多元的文化血统,使得不同观念与文化差异在他身上相互碰撞,迸发出与众不同的灵感,更显灵敏动人。
HERMES Maison in Shanghai joined hands with Korean artist Sun-Hyuk Kim to present a radical expression of the deepest meaning of life through delicate silhouettes of roots in its store windows. The work represents the subtle communication and fantasy realm of man, nature and life, in a manner that resonates with Hermes’ respect for nature, reverence for life, and primal passion. The store windows created by Kim have morphed into a surreal realm of fantasy. The artist draws inspiration from the figurative shapes of plants, and combines these with surrealistic sceneries. The entire landscape presented in the four windows is bold and unrestrained. The spring season store windows are on display until late May.
上海Hermès 2015秋季橱窗:漫步苍穹之下的视觉妙境
放到现代来说,进行这样纯粹、深入的思考无疑更难。所以大概很少人能理解Hermès的品牌文化——作为顶级奢侈品牌之一,却忠于传统手工艺,质朴、保守,始终追求极致。Hermès的这份坚持在其橱窗设计中可见一斑。瑞士设计师Marie-France de Crécy为上海的Hermès Maison设计了以“视觉妙境(Wondervision)”为题的秋季橱窗,展期从9月24日开始将持续三个月。
此次橱窗设计的灵感正是来源于哲学家卢梭的遗作《一个孤独漫步者的遐想》,Marie-France de Crécy将文中对人与自然的关系的思考具象化,力图通过艺术去表现人类情感的点滴以及冥想过程中的原始体验。
上海Hermès 2015秋季橱窗:漫步苍穹之下的视觉妙境
放到现代来说,进行这样纯粹、深入的思考无疑更难。所以大概很少人能理解Hermès的品牌文化——作为顶级奢侈品牌之一,却忠于传统手工艺,质朴、保守,始终追求极致。Hermès的这份坚持在其橱窗设计中可见一斑。瑞士设计师Marie-France de Crécy为上海的Hermès Maison设计了以“视觉妙境(Wondervision)”为题的秋季橱窗,展期从9月24日开始将持续三个月。
此次橱窗设计的灵感正是来源于哲学家卢梭的遗作《一个孤独漫步者的遐想》,Marie-France de Crécy将文中对人与自然的关系的思考具象化,力图通过艺术去表现人类情感的点滴以及冥想过程中的原始体验。
HERMES Maison in Shanghai joined hands with Korean artist Sun-Hyuk Kim to present a radical expression of the deepest meaning of life through delicate silhouettes of roots in its store windows. The work represents the subtle communication and fantasy realm of man, nature and life, in a manner that resonates with Hermes’ respect for nature, reverence for life, and primal passion. The store windows created by Kim have morphed into a surreal realm of fantasy. The artist draws inspiration from the figurative shapes of plants, and combines these with surrealistic sceneries. The entire landscape presented in the four windows is bold and unrestrained. The spring season store windows are on display until late May.
Thomas Broomé, born 1971. Is a well renowned Swedish artist with an international base.
Thomas has worked in a wide range of materials and expressions, all signified by an elaborate sense of detail. His work is found in-between our usual dichotomies; it is both simple and complex, elegant and crude, naive and mature, traditional and futuristic… it exists on the borders of our common understanding of the world, our agreement of what is real.
In the custom built installation for Hermès Maison, Shanghai Broomé has worked with calligrams, forms made from text. The result is an apartment inspired by the Hermès line of furniture and accessories, but with a twist; The word is the image and the image is the word. The objects in the windows are a play with how we depict and describe the world through representational systems. A chair is a chair, but it is both a form and a description and thus it becomes a neither/nor, since you cannot simultaneously see them both. To further enhance this clash of representations Thomas has for the first time moved from the two dimensional works on paper, into a third dimension made out of painted steel.
A mantra is a sacred utterance a repetion of words that when made audible has the power to change ones state of conscious thought.
The idea of the chair is tangible until it is made into form, until it is is represented in the world, then and only then is it a functional object and can be used in our everyday life. What would for instance happen if the chair was made of the word table, would it still be a chair, even though it tells us it is a table?
Thomas Broomé, born 1971. Is a well renowned Swedish artist with an international base.
Thomas has worked in a wide range of materials and expressions, all signified by an elaborate sense of detail. His work is found in-between our usual dichotomies; it is both simple and complex, elegant and crude, naive and mature, traditional and futuristic… it exists on the borders of our common understanding of the world, our agreement of what is real.
In the custom built installation for Hermès Maison, Shanghai Broomé has worked with calligrams, forms made from text. The result is an apartment inspired by the Hermès line of furniture and accessories, but with a twist; The word is the image and the image is the word. The objects in the windows are a play with how we depict and describe the world through representational systems. A chair is a chair, but it is both a form and a description and thus it becomes a neither/nor, since you cannot simultaneously see them both. To further enhance this clash of representations Thomas has for the first time moved from the two dimensional works on paper, into a third dimension made out of painted steel.
A mantra is a sacred utterance a repetion of words that when made audible has the power to change ones state of conscious thought.
The idea of the chair is tangible until it is made into form, until it is is represented in the world, then and only then is it a functional object and can be used in our everyday life. What would for instance happen if the chair was made of the word table, would it still be a chair, even though it tells us it is a table?